2010年5月7日 星期五

陳樹菊──來自台灣的茹素英雌 Chen Shu-chu: Hero of 2010 TIME 100

現年59歲的陳樹菊女士是在南台灣的台東中央市場的菜販,一生過著簡約生活的她,竟捐出了將近一千萬台幣(約美金32萬元)用於不同的慈善義舉:3 萬2千美元給兒童基金,14萬4千美元捐給她兒時的母校蓋圖書館,另外的3萬2千美元,則捐給當地的孤兒院,她同時也固定捐款資助該院3位兒童。
Chen Shu-chu is a seller of vegetables in a stall in Taitung County's central market, in southern Taiwan. Out of her modest living, Chen, 59, has managed to donate nearly NT$10 million (that's $320,000) to various causes, including $32,000 for a children's fund, $144,000 to help build a library at a school she attended and another $32,000 for the local orphanage, where she also gives financial support to three children.

What's so wonderful about Chen's achievement is not its extraordinariness but that it is so simple and matter of fact in its generosity. "Money serves its purpose only when it is used for those who need it," she told a newspaper.

陳女士一點也不覺得自己的行徑有什麼了不起,反而一直揮手說:「我不知道得什麼獎?你們(媒體)不要亂講,我沒有參加 什麼比賽…哎喲!我也沒有捐很多錢。」
And rather than bask in her celebrity, Chen seems to dismiss the whole thing with a wave of her hand, perhaps even with a hint of irritation. "There isn't much to talk about, because I did not enter any competition," she says. "I haven't really made any huge donations."

She's planning to establish a fund to help the poor with education, food and health care. Amazing, but of all she has given away, her greatest gift is her example.

Lee is the Taiwanese-born director of Brokeback Mountain

Source: http://www.vegannewlife.org/stars/star002/index.php


